We Hear You. We Believe You. We Stand With You.

On Monday, October 1, at 6 p.m., 70+ men from Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other faiths joined together on the West Steps of Pasadena City Hall to stand up in solidarity with women who have survived sexual abuse.

We have been inspired by the courageous witness of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and the many women who have stepped forward to share their stories of sexual assault, discrimination and degradation.

We recognize that we are co-creators and beneficiaries of a culture where abusers are excused and elevated and victims are silenced and shamed.

We aspire to approach the courage of the women who have and are stepping forward and that begins with saying we will not let you stand alone.

We commit to rigorous examination of our own role in perpetuating a culture of rape and abuse.

We commit to actively working to dismantle that culture, demanding accountability for abusers, providing opportunities for healing for all people, advocating for survivors of rape, sexual abuse, and discrimination and raising our sons to respect and value the power and agency of women.

All men are invited to join us in this Interfaith solidarity movement. If you would like to commit to doing this work with us, please email your contact information to info@allsaints-pas.org and we will add you to our mailing list.

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