We Invite You to Take the Harvard Implicit Bias Test

As we near the beginning of our adult formation program this coming Sunday, we would like to encourage everyone in All Saints’ orbit to take the Harvard Implicit Bias Test (click here: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/ — then click on “Social Attitudes,” then “I wish to proceed,” and finally on “Race IAT”there are 14 different bias tests available and only ONE on race).

This test will provide us with a common foundation for conversation when Devon Carbado is back with us in the Rector’s Forum this Sunday, October 6th, at 10:15 a.m., in Sweetland Hall. It’s a great opportunity to take an inward look at ourselves as a community, while planting the seeds for a stimulating discussion.

Watch Devon Carbado’s previous Rector’s Forum with us on MLK Sunday, January 20, 2019 here.
