All Saints Church looks forward to welcoming you as we kick off the 2021-22 program year on Homecoming Sunday, September 19! Our Parish Celebrations team has been diligently working to design an event that is both meaningful and safe as we continue to navigate these unique times, so although Homecoming will look a little different this year it will still be Homecoming!
Join us at 9:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. (note: 11:30 rather than 11:15!) for festive worship. Mike Kinman will preach, combined choirs will offer music and both services will be live-streamed with an outdoor viewing option on the quad lawn. Whether you join us in person or online — indoors or outdoors — don’t miss the opportunity to gather in community and celebrate the work we will do together in the year ahead.
After services, special Homecoming cookies from Homeboy Bakery and All Saints-themed reusable water bottles will be available on the lawn — both individually packaged by the respective suppliers for your protection. In Sweetland Hall the All Saints Artist Guild will be presenting their inaugural Homecoming Art Show and the playground will be open for children to enjoy — with balloon animals and a self-serve photo booth! Additionally, our neighbor, California Pizza Kitchen, on the following weekend — September 25 & 26 — will be donating to All Saints a portion of the proceeds from All Saintsers who enjoy a meal at CPK on those days.
Finally, a reminder that masks are required at all times — both indoors and outdoors — on the All Saints campus.
Both outdoor and indoor seating is available for services and communion will be served in both locations. Our expectation is that those entering the church will be vaccinated (if vaccination is available to them) and we require that masks be worn by all to protect the most vulnerable. Those seated indoors are asked to maintain social distance between individuals/households.
For more information contact Thomas Diaz at