Welcome to Our New Website!

new website

March 2021

Welcome! We are excited to debut All Saints’ redesigned website! Nearly a year of brainstorming, planning and implementation has gone into making a website that is more welcoming, more attractive, more expressive of the values of All Saints Church, and easier to use – both on your computers at home and on your mobile devices. The website has a fresh look and the vocabulary has changed a bit, but we believe it is much more user friendly.

Please take it for spin. Check out the entire home page. Click through the new navigation menu on the top of the home page to see how things are organized. Take a look at This Sunday, the Featured Ministry, Featured Events and the Action of the Week. Try out the search function. Look through the calendar. Explore! Play with it!

If you notice something that is incomplete, incorrect or looks a little wonky, please let us know! If you find the search function doesn’t take you where you want to go (still fine tuning!), let us know! Please send your comments – making sure to reference the page or the problem – to website@allsaints-pas.org. We will be grateful for your feedback.

So get started at allsaints-pas.org! Enjoy!

All Saints Church, Pasadena
