What Can We Do?

Pray | Lament | Give

Our hearts break at the tragedy unfolding at our border and we ask “What can we do?” For the moment: we pray … we lament … we give … and we continue to network and organize to be the change we want to see in our nation and in our world.


[Collect by Bishop John Taylor, Diocese of Los Angeles]

O God, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve those who travel, especially those who have left their homes in Central America in the hope of a better life in the United States; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey’s end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Photo: Seven-year-old Honduran migrant Genesis Belen Mejia Flores in Tijuana, waving a flag at Border Patrol helicopters; AP /Rodrigo Abd)


[Hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette]

A hymn of lament written in response to the November 25 news stories of children suffering from the tear gas used against asylum seekers on the border. Permission is given for free use of this hymn. Please share it.

When Children Scream from Tear Gas
PASSION CHORALE D (“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”)

When children scream from tear gas where they’ve been told to wait,
when signs tell families, “Don’t pass!” outside our nation’s gate—
O Lord who welcomed children and loves each little one,
we cry, “Where is compassion?” We pray, “What have we done?”

When neighbors seek asylum as days and weeks drag on,
when they dream dreams of freedom while we make fences strong—
O Lord who said God’s kingdom will welcome those in need,
we cry, “Where is the welcome? What have we done, indeed?”

When travelers on their journey walk on, on blistered feet,
as they look for a country where peace and justice meet—
If faith can topple mountains, Lord, what will churches do?
Will we reach to the suffering? Will we, in them, see you?

We ask, “What should we do here? Are we our neighbors’ friends?”
The challenge isn’t new here; you’ve shown how love extends.
May we cry out for justice till others need not cry.
May love become our witness till no one waits outside.

Biblical References: Leviticus 19:34; Deuteronomy 10:19; Jeremiah 22:3; Malachi 3:5; Matthew 18:1-6; Matthew 19:13-15; Matthew 25:35; Mark 9:37; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18: 15-17; Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:2
Tune: Hans Leo Hassler, 1601; harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach, 1729.
Text: Copyright © 2018 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.


[Opportunities to support organizations & institutions providing direct relief to our siblings on the border.]

As the crisis at our border continues to evolve the needs are great and the opportunities to offer support are many. Click here for a list of direct aid organizations and institutions — and stay tuned for more further updates and opportunities as we network with our partners in the struggle.
