What’s Next?: November 8 Rector’s Forum

Kim Jackson, Alan Yarborough and Lisa Gasperoni joined Mike Kinman in the Rector’s Forum at All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Sunday, November 8, 2020. This amazing panel digested the results of the 2020 election — and guest Kim Jackson was just elected the First LGBTQ Georgia State Senator; one of few Black LGBTQ women senators in the country! Congratulations, Kim!

The Reverend Kim Jackson is an Episcopal priest who was elected the first LGBTQ State Senator in Georgia in November 3rd’s historic election with 79% of the vote. Jackson, who was the first out person of color to be ordained as an Episcopal priest in Atlanta, ran on a platform which included fighting for a comprehensive anti-discrimination bill.

Alan Yarborough is the church relations officer with The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations, where he helps manage their grassroots advocacy engagement and develops resources aimed at educating and equipping the church in policy advocacy.

Lisa Gasperoni is the owner of LG Campaigns, a firm that provides strategic advice and general political consulting services. Gasperoni has been involved with more than 200 campaigns––ranging from statewide constitutional officers to Congressional, State Senate, Assembly, Mayoral, Supervisorial and City Council as well as local and statewide ballot measures and independent expenditure campaigns.

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