Women’s History Weekend, March 16 & 17

On Saturday and Sunday, March 16 & 17, come to All Saints Church to enjoy a weekend-full of celebration of the history of women in the church!

On Saturday, March 16th, at 2:00 p.m. in the Church, All Saints will host a free screening of the award-winning documentary “The Philadelphia Eleven,” a celebration of the eleven women who shattered a stained-glass ceiling in 1974 when they became the first women priests in the Episcopal Church. This is a great opportunity to watch their inspiring story in community as we learn from their example how we can continue the work of calling the church to become more fully the Beloved Community it aspires to be. A gathering for reflection and conversation about where the Philadelphia Eleven story connects with the All Saints story will follow the screening — with a festive reception afterwards. See the flyer with all the details here. All are welcome! Registration requested. For more information contact Debbie Daniels at ddaniels@allsaints-pas.org.

Then, Sunday, March 17th is not only the Fifth Sunday in Lent, it’s also Women’s History Sunday!

Susan Russell preaches at 7:30. At 10:00 a.m. we’ll celebrate Women’s History with a Festive Holy Eucharist Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of the Philadelphia Eleven in which the Reverend Canon Nan Peete, the first woman of African descent ordained in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, preaches, and the Reverend Canon Lynn Jay will preside. Canterbury Choir offers Soon I Will Be Done by Dawson. ASL interpretation is available at 10:00.

9:00 a.m. in the Forum: How What We Learn from 1974 Prepares Us for 2024 Susan Russell leads a multi-media conversation on being the change we want to see.

And after church, please visit the Women’s History Month archive display in the Guild Room and join us for food & fellowship on the lawn.

Join us for this great opportunity to celebrate Women’s History together. All are welcome!

All Saints Church is at 132 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena 91101, across Euclid from Pasadena City Hall.
