“You sure?”
Movies can break us open. Movies can lift us up. Movies can make us look in the mirror in painful ways. Movies can inspire us to beyond what we thought we can be. Movies can just be a lot of fun.
The best movie I’ve seen this year is Blindspotting. And at the end of the movie, Daveed Diggs with two words reminds me that I have to examine my power, privilege and bias in everything I do. All that just by saying two words at the end of a powerful soliloquy.
“You sure?”
Two words that have echoed in my ears countless times since.
Two words that challenge me to be a better person and priest.
Two words that convict and convert me over and over and over again.
Two words at the end of a movie that have kept me thinking ever since. That’s the power of film. And that’s why our annual visit from our longtime friend and “film critic in residence” Kenneth Turan for his annual pre-Oscar visit to the Rector’s Forum is one of the highlights of the year. Ken brings his wit and wisdom for an energetic and entertaining conversation on film in general and the Oscars in specific. And then you can bring your best movie, best line, most troubling moment and more and ask him about it. Don’t miss it.
And don’t just come for the forum. At 7:30, 9 and 11:15 a.m., Susan Russell will be drawing on some other powerful and prophetic words — those of African American biblical scholar Verna Dozier — as she looks at the Beatitudes in Luke’s Gospel and asks the question “What would it look like to actually follow Jesus.” I will preach at the 1 pm Spanish language service (my first foray into preaching in Spanish!). At 9 & 11:15 a.m. Coventry Choir offers the spirituals I Can Tell the World arr. by Hogan and O nata lux by Tallis and at 1:00 p.m. music is offered by Dan Cole and the 1pm Ensemble.
As always, if you can’t be with us in person, join our digital community via live-stream for the Rector’s Forum at 10:15 a.m. and the service at 11:15 — or stay connected by visiting our website, or viewing sermons and Forums, past and present, whenever you like on our YouTube channel. Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself, there is a place for you here at All Saints Church. Join us!