All Saints’ Children & Youth Choirs Spring Concert: Alway Something Sings

Sunday, May 21

Every single day, it seems as if there is something new to worry about; a new “How can this possibly be happening?” moment: in our families, our country, our environment, friendships, or life situations. Moments where everything seems wrong—as if the world is going to end and we’re not going to survive. Then, something happens—a moment when something sings.

On Sunday, May 21, at 5:00 p.m. in the church, join 100 choristers from four choirs, ranging in age from 3rd-12th grade for the Annual Children and Youth Choirs Spring Concert: Always Something Sings. Troubadours, Youth Chamber Choir, Vox Cambiata & Trouveres will offer music, from Dan Forrest’s “Alway Something Sings” to “My Shot” from Hamilton. James Walker will guest-accompany on one piece and Dan Cole and friends’ ensemble will perform with the choirs. Let the voices of these young people lift you, give you hope, and transform you.

If you can’t be with us in person, the concert will be streamed live here.
For information contact Christina Ortega at or 626.583.2733.

$5 suggested donation to help defray expenses. Childcare is available.
