Rector’s Forum, February 18: Annual Meeting, Part 1

On Sunday, February 18, 2018 All Saints gathered for Part One of our Annual Meeting, with an agenda that included thanking retiring vestry, electing new vestry members and diocesan convention delegates, and announcing the new Senior and Junior Wardens.

The meeting also included the 2017 financial report from finance chair Chris Caldwell which began:

“2017 was yet another year in All Saints long-standing tradition of careful stewardship of the funds given so generously to support the work of this great church. Thanks to generosity, careful financial planning, and diligent control of expenditures, All Saints collected more money that it spent and began and ended 2017 without any debt. The leadership of this church is committed to living within our means, and we fulfilled this commitment in 2017. We have now embarked on a budget process for 2018 that will again strive for a debt-free budget, even in the face of significant challenges, which may require us to make painful choices if we do not receive new or increase pledge support well beyond our current projections.”

Read the whole report here and a Special Report from the Rector here.
Part Two of the Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 11 at 10:15 a.m. in the Forum.
