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All Saints Church has long stood at the intersection of community, spirituality, and peace & justice. The leadership of All Saints has courageously adopted resolutions to protect and advocate for such important issues as reproductive health, marriage equality and racial justice. Our advocacy continues every week as hundreds in our community sign letters and petitions to our elected local and state leaders in support of policies that protect the rights and liberties of all, especially the marginalized and oppressed.  Programs and ministries for all ages reach people throughout Pasadena and Southern California area, and our online community stretches across the country and around the world.

Support from generous foundations is an important resource for All Saints, making every program possible and leaving a positive impact in our communities for generations to come. Foundation support also helps to maintain our historic buildings set in Pasadena’s beautiful civic center.

For more information about supporting All Saints Church through your foundation, please contact Sarah Nolan, Director of Giving & Stewardship (see below).

Contact the Giving Office with questions – we are happy to help!

Sarah Nolan, Director of Giving & Stewardship: (626) 583-2736,
or Marilyn Coffman, Associate for Giving & Stewardship: (626) 583-2753
