Lent 2018: A Season of Wisdom & Revelation 2.0

On Ash Wednesday we will hear again the call to observe a holy Lent – a call which includes: self-examination and repentance; prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.

One way we will respond to that call this year is by continuing to explore the voices we heard during our Epiphany Preaching Series: A Season of Wisdom & Revelation. During those seven weeks we heard from eleven prophetic voices – women who invited us to hear God’s holy Word from a variety of contexts and through different lenses.

A Season of Wisdom & Revelation 2.0 is an opportunity to dig a little deeper as we continue to reflect on what we heard and continue to hear from our Epiphany preachers and explore where we are called to action as individuals and as a community of faith. The program will offer opportunities for both group conversation and individual study and reflection.

On the First Sunday in Lent, February 18, 2:30-4:00 p.m., gather in the Forum with Mike Kinman for a community conversation and reflection on the entire six weeks of sermons and forums, listening to each other’s answer to the question: “What wisdom was revealed?”

During the season of Lent, we will offer a curriculum of readings, videos and activities (including the videos of the sermons and forums) to dive more deeply into the wisdom revealed during Epiphany.
Visit the resource page here.

We will offer two opportunities during the season to gather in the Forum for creative, lively conversation about what we are learning and to continue to listen to one another.

Monday, February 26, 7-8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 20, 7-8:30 p.m.

And then — on the First Sunday after Easter, April 8, 2:30-4:00 p.m. — we will gather in the Forum for an action-oriented community conversation on the entire experience, listening to each other’s answer to the question: “What transformation is God calling me and this community into through the wisdom that is being revealed?”

No RSVPs are necessary. Just show up and take part! We hope as many people as possible will take part in following up our Epiphany of wisdom and revelation with a Lent of study and reflection and an Easter of transformative action.

For more information call 626.796.1172 or email info@allsaints-pas.org

Cover art: Jesus of the People by Janet McKenzie
