All Saints is honored to be sponsoring three exemplary candidates for Holy Orders – all working their way through the long and winding road of ongoing discernment and theological education. Here is an update on who they are and where they are in that journey as they prepare for ordination to the priesthood.
Jamie [right] with ASC alum Kristin Neily and Bishop TaylorJamie Barnett is in her third year of seminary working toward her M.Div. at Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological Seminary at Claremont. Jamie is also very proud to have studied at the Bloy House sister seminary, Episcopal Divinity School, in Cambridge, MA up until this past June when the 160 year old institution known for its bold and expansive vision of inclusion and social justice closed its doors. This year finds Jamie busy not only with her three classes at Bloy House but also with her fulltime job at CBS Studio Center where she is the first woman in Hollywood studio history to ever head up a grip department. What is new for Jamie this year, also explains why we won’t be seeing her here at All Saints for quite some time. She is in the process of completing her year of student internship placement at St. Michael’s and All Angels in Studio City. There she is looking forward to growing in church leadership skills and the integration of academic knowledge with the practice of ministry.
Antonio preaching at the 1pm service
Antonio Gallardo is in his third year of studies toward the completion of a M.Div. in a joint program between Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological Seminary at Claremont, and Claremont School of Theology. Since the beginning of his studies Antonio has served as a Pastor at All Saints, working primarily with the Latino-Hispanic Congregation. Antonio is building upon the foundation created over the past twelve years toward the realization of All Saint’s Vision of a church that reflects the diversity of Pasadena. In 2015 in recognition of his gifts for leadership he was appointed Chair of the Task Force for Latino-Hispanic Congregational Development and Sustainability for the National Episcopal Church. More recently, Antonio’s commitment to a richer Episcopal Church community, and his research innovation, were recognized in an award from the Episcopal Evangelism Society (EES) to pilot an approach to “Find Mutuality in Christ” between dominant and non-dominant groups in Episcopal congregations.
Lauren [right] leading worship at VTS chapelLauren Grubaugh is completing a year of Anglican Studies at Virginia Theological Seminary, outside of Washington, D.C. Her coursework focuses on liturgy and Episcopal Church history. She is serving as a seminarian intern at Church of the Ascension in Silver Spring, Maryland, a vibrant and diverse urban community deeply committed to racial justice, interfaith dialogue and mercy ministry in the neighborhood. She is looking forward to serving at the altar, preaching, and getting to know the parish’s 300-some members, half of whom are under the age of 18! Lauren is also working with the Kaleidoscope Institute to facilitate dialogue at the National Cathedral about the church’s confederate windows that were recently removed, and she is seeking to remain connected to the work for justice in the community as she completes her seminary studies.