Update — Leading with Love: Staying Connected at All Saints Church

From Rector Mike Kinman:

Dear Ones,

You inspire me.

Over the past week, I have seen more instances of compassion, kindness and generosity in this community than I can count. I have watched online and heard stories of how you are reaching out to one another, helping each other get through the day, and reaching out into the community with the most profound generosity.

We are being the church. We are walking with a revolutionary Jesus, working and loving together for the healing and transformation of ourselves, our community and the world. It is beautiful.

You are beautiful.

This morning, Bishop John Taylor asked that all churches suspend public gatherings through and including Easter Sunday (https://diocesela.org/uncategorized/health-strength-community-iv/). It was absolutely the right call … this is a public health emergency and our top priority is keeping everyone safe.

We are already working on how we can continue to gather and stay connected virtually throughout this season, including what we believe will be a Holy Week and Easter celebration made all the more powerful by the anxiety of the times.

You will be getting regular emails from us … and feel free to reach out with any questions. We are making this page — https://allsaints-pas.org/coronavirus/ — the clearinghouse for all information about what groups are meeting virtually and what is being cancelled and postponed.  Please check that page regularly.

A few other notes:

Sunday Morning

We are finalizing details for this Sunday, including virtual children’s chapel (time TBA), and online-only worship at 11:15 (English) and 1 pm (Spanish/English), with a “virtual coffee hour” after the 11:15 service. We have heard the desire from some in the community to have Eucharist and are working on a way to do that where everyone will be able to participate as fully as possible. Stay tuned!

We are working on options for continuing Rector’s Forums … both Sunday mornings and at other times.

All Saints Church is OPEN!

Both the church sanctuary and office will be open M-F, 9-4. Most recovery groups are continuing to meet. We have established protocols for physical distancing and sanitizing of spaces after use. All other gatherings are online, postponed or cancelled. Please check the website.

Caring for those most vulnerable

In addition to encouraging people to continue to support the important ministry of All Saints Church, each week we will be raising money for a local agency that serves the most vulnerable in our community. This Sunday, our #PartnerInLove will be Union Station Homeless Services (https://unionstationhs.org/).

We are continuing to collect items for another #PartnerInLove, Learning Works Charter School (http://www.publicworksinc.org/lw/). Donations of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, soap, paper towels, diapers, baby wipes, formula, rice, beans, cereal, juice boxes, canned fruits/veggies and peanut butter can be dropped off at the church office during business hours (9-4)

On Sunday morning, the Food Table will stay open with volunteers offering gift cards from Ralph’s so those among us who depend on us for food on Sunday will continue to be fed.

The Monday morning food ministry will continue, and we will adapt to necessary safety guidelines.

Congregational Response Team (CRT)

The CRT, chaired by Christine Hartman is hard at work contacting members of our community, starting with those most vulnerable and with minimal internet access. You can help! Please think of people who are vulnerable, anxious and in need … and then do two things:

First — reach out to them yourself. Phone. Text. Email. Drop them a card. Ask if there is anything they need. Spend some time just talking and listening.

Second — let us know. Email CRT convener Christine Hartman at christine@icehatcreative.com with any information about people in need.

Children, Youth and Families

Children’s Chapel to-go bags now being offered while supplies last at the front desk of All Saints Church as well as from Kelly Erin’s porch in the Eagle Rock area. Please email Kelly Erin at kophelan@allsaints-pas.org for a contactless porch pick up in Eagle Rock or just come to the main office between 9am and 4pm to get your supplies. To-go bags include crayons, solar beads, a small candle to light with us, Play-Doh, and other small brand new crafts!

The youth of All Saints Church have setup an online community so that we can all stay connected during this time. We’ll gather online during our regular meeting times as well as any other time you’d like. To get access to the server, please contact Jeremy at jlangill@allsaints-pas.org or Nina at nscherer@allsaints-pas.org.

We’re also on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ascyouthpasadena/) and Instagram (ascyouthpasadena). You can visit our website (https://ascyouth.squarespace.com/) for regular updates.

More updates regarding Our Whole Lives and Seekers to come.

Community Connectivity

Many groups are meeting online, please contact your ministry or group leader and the ASC website for details. We are working on other ways we can connect online and will keep you updated as they are available.

Other notes

*The financial annual report will be available as promised … and it has understandably taken longer to get out with so much else going on. You should have it late this week or early next week.

*Vestry will be meeting virtually on Tuesday evening, March 24. Vestry members will be emailed details for how to log in.

Finally, thank you for your continued, generous support of your All Saints community during this extraordinarily challenging time. We have made a commitment that all of our staff – salaried, hourly and contracted – will be able to count on the income they are depending on from All Saints Church for the duration of this epidemic. That makes it especially important that pledges are fulfilled in a timely way.

You can make a pledge payment or other gift to All Saints Church online by clicking here — https://allsaints-pas.org/donate/donate-now/.

If your financial circumstances are changing significantly and you need to talk with either Director of Giving and Stewardship, Terry Knowles (tknowles@allsaints-pas.org) or me (MKinman@allsaints-pas.org), please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The majority of our staff is working from home right now and our capacity is limited as we adjust to this new way of being. Thank you for your patience .. and for stepping up and helping All Saints Church lead in love.

See you soon.

Con el amor de Cristo,


