Vestry Notes: February 13, 2018

After a festive opportunity to celebrate Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras with a pancake supper in Sweetland Hall, the Vestry of All Saints Church met on Tuesday evening, February 13th. In addition to the regular agenda items and receiving written reports from committees and task forces, the vestry approved a slate of delegates to the 2018 Diocesan Convention and continued the process of developing a balanced budget.

Other actions included:

  • Receiving a recommendation from the Reconciliation Task Force which was tabled for future consideration.
  • Received reports from the Racial Justice Ministry and an update from the Clergy Search Committee.
  • Celebrated the news of a successful grant request — developed by Jeremy Langill & Anna Mohr, with assistance from Jim Loduha — to fund a summer “Education & Formation Internship Program.” We are looking for potential housing for two interns beginning May 14. Contact Jeremy Langill if you have thoughts or leads on housing possibilities.

In addition to vestry and staff, the meeting was blessed with five visitors – who were invited to both observe and to contribute comments at the conclusion of the meeting. Vestry meetings are public meetings and visitors are always welcome. The date of the March meeting is still TBD following the March 1/2 Annual Vestry Staff Conference to be held this year in La Canada.

For more information on the Vestry, visit our website page … where you can find minutes of past meetings and contact information and photos of current vestry members.
