An Interfaith Day of Prophetic Action

Thursday, April 13

Members of the All Saints community — including our rector Mike Kinman — will join with faith, community, immigrant and civil rights, worker and labor leaders on Passover and Maundy Thursday for a gathering of sacred resistance to tell ICE to stop tearing families apart!

What: An Interfaith Day of Prophetic Action – Standing with Immigrant and Refugee Families
When: Thursday, April 13, 10am
Where: La Plaza United Methodist Church, 115 Paseo De La Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Click here to see directions for wherever you may be coming from, by car or public transportation.

We will march to another location for an interfaith ritual action in observance of the traditions of Passover, Maundy Thursday, and other participating faiths. Event organizers write:

There is heightened anxiety, fear, and suffering being felt by immigrant and refugee communities throughout Southern California and the nation. Due to both the rhetoric and now enacted immigration enforcement practices under the current administration, many other families have experienced this separation from their loved ones, or fear that it may come at any moment.

In the midst of this climate of uncertainty and fear, our faith traditions compel us to see, pray, and act to challenge injustice and suffering. We are entering the season of liberation which will culminate with the holidays of Passover and Easter. At the Passover seder liturgy it is traditional to recall that we were liberated from slavery in Egypt by a God who despised oppression. We learn anew every year that as we were liberated, so too others can be liberated. Moreover, our redemption is dependent on their redemption. For Jews, this Season of our Freedom demands that we seek the Freedom of those not yet Free.

For Christians, Maundy Thursday, just a few days before Easter, is a call to action in troubling times. The word Maundy derives from the Latin “mandatum,” which means, “commandment.” It refers to the commandment that Jesus gave to his friends on the eve of his unjust execution at the hands of the empire: “love one another as I have loved you.” He then proceeded to do the unthinkable and wash his disciples’ feet – creating a small but palpable metaphor for the kind of risky and solidarity-filled, self-giving love that was called for in the midst of hatred, violence and injustice.

This call to seek the liberation of all, and the commandment to love one another, also resonates with many other faith traditions, whether expressed in the universal Golden Rule, or other sacred texts and traditions. This call is no sanguine invitation. Rather, it is an Amber alert, an S.O.S., an emergency rapid response directive to love one another, to stick together, to look out and risk for each other, to build a unified resistance of love against the world’s hatred.”

For more information — including a list of sponsoring organizations — check out the Facebook Event
